M. Shire's


Slavery in the Bible
The Bible is Not Good
Where do Morals
come from ?
We Don't Hate
Is any religion
really True ?
Why other atheists
also don't believe
The Emperor's New Clothes
List of People leaving religion
List of People NOT leaving religion
Social Death
Comments on a
Reddit thread.

Page 1

Why I'm an Atheist - I

When I was a child, I went to Sunday school, and to church. I was told magical stories of Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. Eventually you grow out of that. Then when you are older, you hear about Bigfoot , Aliens, Crop Circles, and Ghosts. So, as you get older and you mature, you start to realize the world is more complicated. I realized if I can question these things , then I should be able to question the Bible, where it comes from, and why everybody is believing it.

Why has God never revealed himself in a tangible way? It's possible that all Christians and Catholics have prayed earnestly to God at one time. Asking "Why are you so mysterious? Why can't you reveal yourself? Why can't you let me know you are there?" It seems like the only answers we ever get is in dreams. A big mystery to me is "Why can't an all-powerful God directly contact me and convince me he is there?"

Imagine all the prayers the history of human suffering and there's no evidence that God has answered those prayers . I can imagine 6 million Jews praying to a god, suffering of the Holocaust, yet there's no evidence of any divine intervention. So I asked the question "If God truly loves us, wouldn't he be kind to us?"

Why is there eternal torment in hell? Once you've decided to buy in that God loves you to be in his church, then you cannot leave the church for fear of going to hell . Why allow these Souls to be tortured? Is he some sort of sadist? The question here is "If God is all-powerful couldn't he just abolish hell?

Is there any proof of Miracles? We see no evidence that God flooded the Earth, or that there was a Noah's Ark. Evidence of magic from the Bible like talking snakes, walking on water, resurrection of the Dead?

Every person on Earth, probably starting at 2 years old, has believed there could be something Supernatural, or Spirits, or there is a Soul . Along with all the science and math taught in schools, we are also exposed to the idea of witches, tarot cards, divination, spells and curses. These are told in stories, in movies , in cultural holidays , that we all find fun and intriguing. So therefore we also believe in a god, and angels, and demons.
Is the bible really the word of God? At the time of Jesus' death , stories were told by word of mouth as the oral tradition religion, and storytelling. Bible scholars think the first words weren't written down at the earliest at 70 years after Jesus's death . So how can we believe the Red Letter edition Bible is actually Jesus's words? The books of the Bible were written by zealots who completely believed in Jesus divinity, and of course they're trying to convince everyone else. So why wouldn't they exaggerate the stories ?

Why did God have to send Jesus to sacrifice himself to himself? There might even be a teacher , a preacher whose name was Jesus, or somebody that Jesus is based on . But that is still no evidence he 1. Did any miracles 2. That he died and rose again or 3. That he is the son of God. Maybe he was a charismatic Teacher.

There is evidence the Earth is a billion years old, not less than 10,000 years.
Anthropologists say that modern humankind is 100,000 to 200,000 years on this Earth. I myself am personally not convinced that we have evolved only from life that manifested on earth, but if we were to evolve it would take a billion years.
We are just another animal on this planet. Because we evolved from here we are perfectly suited to live here.
It may be that humans, and maybe most animals, were brought here by ancient astronauts, to colonize an empty planet.

If prayer works then "Miraculously" it's God answering prayers, but if it doesn't work then it's "Mysterious".

And there's lots more that just sounds like a scam ...
Preachers living in million dollar mansions, need limousines and private jets.
Give 10% of your earnings but it looks like only the church gets rich.
They'll tell others that you can't believe in any other God but mine or go to hell.
They say "God has told ME personally, to tell you what his message is ...."
The Earth DOES look like it could be billions of years old.

Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

Page 2

Why I'm an Atheist - II

Slavery in the Bible.

The Bible specifically states in the Old Testament you can own another person - that they are your property. Maybe it's just our First World Nations but we have become enlightened enough to know slavery is wrong. Slavery in England and America began not soon after Christopher Columbus discovered the new world. The earliest slave traders went to Africa and bought slaves from black Africans. What I think many Christians don't realize is that this would not have happened except it is endorsed by the Bible. God said it's okay to have slaves and it's our god-given right to own slaves, right?

England was the first country to ban owning slaves. Later, in America , we had to have a civil war to finally declare an emancipation from slavery. Just think how many white people died in that war to help free enslaved black people. And in the 1960s we even had a Civil Rights movement, to further ensure the equality of people, and to declare that we are all FREE.

After all this effort to finally put slavery behind us, wouldn't you think it would be easier for God, or Jesus, to have just declared that slavery is morally wrong? If there truly was a God that loved all people, like Jesus himself taught to love everyone, why didn't God make that an 11th commandment? He could have easily instructed everyone to not own another person as property. Even after 15 centuries, couldn't God have just told the Church leaders, Pope, Arch-Bishops, that slavery is wrong, and condemn the practice?

Can you imagine how different the world would be , if Jesus (I mean the anonymous writers of the early bible) actually denounced slavery ? The slave trade wouldn't have been backed up by the Old Testament. Wow. America today would still have the same racial percentages, BUT we'd have no black descendants angry at the world. Wow. Thanks , fake-Jesus writers.

John Lennon was a better peace activist than Jesus.

In Ephesians 6:5–8, Paul states "Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ".


The Bible is Not Good.

All Religion is not historically good. Contrary to what almost all religious people believe, and that covers all religions, this idea that God leads the way is not always universally good. There are many evils that happened because of the Bible. First there were the holy Crusades. Maybe a million people killed who resisted Christianity, like the Muslims. These Holy Wars have made us hate other people so much that many men killed in the name of God. What's up with the Spanish Inquisition? Again thousands of people tortured and killed. Then when America was first colonized, they forced and killed natives to convert to Catholicism . Then they stole all their gold and took it back to Europe. Not nice at all.

The Quran is not good. According to their Book, if you are not a Muslim you are an infidel, and can be put to death for speaking against the Quran. And it advocates tyranny towards women.

Why does the world need religion?

Even though I believe all religions are man-made, I can see why they have been so popular for centuries. For all the people who are afraid in this world, belonging to a religion makes people feel that they aren't alone, and it creates a community stronger then merely a town or city or government. It gives us all the same values, it teaches morality, and encourages us all to love one another.

One downside is instilling fear of hell, and punishment by God which can be very distressing. To be tortured for eternity in fire and agony, seems very heavy-handed for a god who supposedly loves you. Another downside is that it tells Believers not to question anything. Like to accept the world is only 6,000 years old, that slavery is ok if you don't beat your slave to death, and that Jesus is coming back soon so make sure you're ready to be judged.

I think that sometime in the far future we might be able to understand what religion really is. That the word "God" is just an ideal. Then it's really just about people coming together and supporting and loving each other. Then people can go to a church for the loving community, and pray for each other, and don't judge anyone for not being in their particular sect. To put good deeds, and community well being first. To meditate, to create positive energy, and say positive affirmations. Spirituality will just be the grand search for real love. To love your neighbor to love yourself and to enjoy the world, which is just a beautiful gift given to us. Sounds like the World of Pandora.

Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

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Why I'm an Atheist - III

Where do morals come from ?

Christians always say if it wasn't for the Bible what is stopping you from robbing or raping or killing? What about all the countries that don't have Christianity and the Bible as the main religion? Buddhist and Hindus have social structure and society that is generally peaceful. I think humans overall are like most other animals on the planet. Most species don't kill each other, or war among themselves. A pack of wolves can live and work together for the benefit of their group. I think all animals recognize another animal that is like itself and will generally let others be, unless they encroach on their food or their nest.

Personally I see 98% of people just living their lives among other people, trying to pay their rent, buy food, and enjoy their family and friends. A Christian says "no consequences for athiests". You do not have to have a God telling you to not kill each other or rob or rape to know that it is beneficial to us to live in harmony together. It's beneficial to me to live in harmony with Society. The benefits are : a sense of happiness, and a lot less anxiety or fear. We can even feel love and compassion without Jesus telling us to love one another.

It generally goes without saying that people enjoy freedom too much to risk being imprisoned for decades for one stupid act. Our laws, that we created, also keep us in check. Society has gone beyond the Ten Commandments, and we have so many more laws covering : assault, robbery, rape, murder, all the way to drunk driving and speeding.

I think that the people who wrote the book the BIBLE, reflect their own tribe's values, not God. As a society, we can really see a value in being good.

For most people, athiests or not, when you see a car broken down on the side of the road, you feel for them, so you pull over to help. Maybe it's just that we feel for them, being social creatures that we are. So I want to help them because it makes me feel good. I might think they are my neighbors or just like people in my tribe. I guess in the back of our mind, We would hope that other people would want to be kind and help us out as well. Because innately we understand that helping each other is a good thing.

Theists would say that's goodness and it's proof of God in us. But I think humans though are generally good, and it makes them feel good, to do something good. Maybe the God particle inside us is built in to our psyche, consciousness, and ego. Remember that we are a self-conscious, social creature; and intelligent human animal with emotions.
We don't hate.

Some people say that atheists hate Christians, or hate God. They ask why take prayer out of school or "In God We Trust" off of our money. Well we don't hate God because we just don't believe in him, or it. To be specific, we don't believe that a personal God is watching what we do, what we eat, and what we say. I can't speak for all atheists, but I can't believe in any God that has been presented to me. We have grown out of the ancient Greek gods, then the ancient Viking gods, the Roman gods. Eventually 99% of us stopped believing in pagan gods. I also don't believe in Allah , Yahweh , or Jehovah.

I fnd it amaziing that so many people still persist in having to believe in the god of the Bible. That is, to believe that Jesus was the actual Son of God who died and then was actually resurrected. None of those claims have any proof, other than stories that were passed down, at first orally, then written in ancient Hebrew and Greek.

I don't hate Christians. I used to be one. Christians want to show love to everyone, include everyone, and tell everyone it's God's love through them. You know you don't have to do that. You can just love people, and say it's human nature to love our own species.

I do , however, very much dislike what religion has done wrong to so many people. I believe in the Golden Rule , which I think every animal on this planet does. Live and Let Live. Life is a struggle and we all struggle. We can all sometimes have unexpected bad luck, like a car accident, your house burning down, or being diagnosed with cancer.

The golden rule is I wouldn't want my freedoms taken away from me by some other religions that I don't believe in. In America we should tolerate any religions as is stated in our constitution. But we should have no one particular religion in our government. For the 50% Christians in America, wouldn't they all hate it if they had to pray to Allah everyday in schools, or have Vishnu or Buddha in our oath of Allegiance. Religion should be separate. If you want to learn about your God then go to your church, whether it's a Jewish temple or Muslim synagogue. All offices in the government buildings should be secular. And all public schools should just focus on educating children in the most basic things like language spelling writing reading mathematics science history and sociology. That is more than enough for our children to learn.
Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

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Why I'm an Atheist - IV

Is any religion really true ?

There are so many religions, And of course all of them think that they are true and real. If I was born in India I'd be a Hindu, born in the Middle East I'd be a Muslim, and born in the Western world most likely a Christian. Isn't it very coincidental and very lucky, you were born in the right region of the world to be into the most truest religion? Think about that. For every other major religion, those people are wrong and are going to hell. That's so sad to think like that. And that's very unfair of any God to do that.

It's unfair to put any faith above another because we can't prove that any of them are based entirely upon truth. After two decades of research I now believe that all religions are created by people. Regular humans. These people have an authority in society. They become a leader and say that they speak with the authority of their God.

But Religion and Spirituality are different. They seem to be intertwined and connected, but the former is an organization, and an institution. 95% of the people in society are followers, who want to live in a safe and reassuring world where bad people are punished and good people rewarded. They have a real desire to believe in something , because the meaning of life is so mysterious. Spirituality, therefore, asks "What is the reason that we are here ?"

Spirituality does not enter into our politics. Like religion, it shouldn't be in our governments or schools. You should be able to go to a mystical shop and buy incense and crystals and meditation books. If you really like big religion, then you can go to your church, as often as you like. Maybe you feel that there is some guiding father (or mother) spirit who can give you comfort and reassurance that you are loved ... by at least one Entity In this universe.

We should all agree on, theists or atheists, that we can not judge others; because there is no proof that any religion is more true than any other. There is no proof that there is a God, and no proof there is not a God. You believe or don't believe. Let the Hindus believe in Vishnu, Muslims in Allah, and Christians in Jesus. The only thing atheists ask is don't judge us for not believing in your particular God until you have evidence that it's real. If it gives you comfort go ahead, Just don't force everyone else in the country to accept your God as the one true god.

I believe the best religions should have one rule above all others, which is to love one another. If your religion is teaching hate and intolerance , then I want no part of it. People who are looking for truth In spirituality, meditation, and existentialism, are looking to live in harmony with the world.
I don't know.

I'm comfortable with saying I don't know. I guess in that way you could consider me a scientist for that. Atheists don't have to prove an answer or need a solid answer. I'm open to examining evidence. Many atheists are still investigating and exploring ideas like Big Bang Theory for example.

I think almost everyone, even Believers, are secretly saying "I don't know". Yet it is Believers who outwardly proclaim : "I do know ... and it is God !". Because it's in the bible. Atheists are saying ... I don't know ... I don't see how you can come to that conclusion because there's no evidence. We are interested in the actual truth, not a feeling.

For anything to be proven really true shouldn't it have some testable evidence? That's the scientific way. I don't believe there's any reason to believe something is true just by assertively saying I believe it, or I have faith, or that there can't be any other way. That's a strong assertion and a bold claim. For someone to make a claim they should have some good evidence.

One thing you can't do is point to the Bible and say it is written, so it's true. You can't point to something you want to prove and say it proves itself. Otherwise you might say Harry Potter is true because there were seven books written about him. What other proof besides the books show that Harry Potter really existed? We don't find any articles in contemporary newspapers mentioning flying cars and dementors, even though it's set in real life, London, England. How can you prove the Bible was written by God through men, or just by men ... with good storytelling imaginations.

If you question your religion at all, you will hear from all other good followers, leaders, and preachers to "Stop questioning", "Don't doubt God", and you need "Stronger Faith". Some atheists say Faith is a placebo effect really. If you believe in God you begin to feel better about it.

If you ask a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Mormon ... why their religion is TRUE ... you generally get a combination of the following justifications ...

This is what I was taught.
I feel it in my heart, or I have personal experiences.
God speaks to me.
An old book proves my religion is true.
There have been miracles.
Some of my prayers have been answered.
You must not question and just have faith.
I can't think of any other power so ...
therefore God did it.
Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

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Why I'm an Atheist - V

Why other atheists also don't believe in God.

Christians will ask why don't you believe in God? In our modern days of free thought, reason, and science, why shouldn't we question the God idea? A true skeptic will say "We have not been presented with sufficient evidence to warrant a belief. "

Some Christians will say the evidence is the Bible. But it is false to try to prove something by using itself as proof. You can't just say it's in the Bible. The Bible is only evidence that men and organized religion have a collection of very old manuscripts, a lot of which are anonymous, and then translated several times, until we finally get an English version. These were stories and ideas from over 2,000 years ago.

What other evidence is there of a great teacher named Jesus? Well there is barely any mention of him in any other contemporary (ex. Roman) documents besides the Bible. There may have been a figure named Jesus, but even if you could prove that he existed, that would be no real proof for any of the supernatural claims in the Bible.

Another question and atheist would have is which God are you referring to? Besides the God of Christians, Muslims, and Jews, there are many other gods in India, Southeast Asia, China, Africa. Many are still being worshiped today. What about the gods from Ancient Greece, Roman, and Vikings? I know you will say those hundred other gods are wrong and you are lucky enough to believe in the real God.

If you want to simplify the question, you can ask, "Do you believe in a creator of the universe? " Well we have absolutely no evidence for that. Although that is an interesting concept, probably what comes from several thousand years of people trying to understand "why we are here?" The real and honest answer should be we don't know. So the answer to the question of ... "do you think There is a God" , an Atheist will answer "In my opinion, NO" , or "I don't know".

A Theist may say "There must be a God. How else can we explain the universe and our world?" Just buy admitting that you have no other idea why something exists, doesn't allow you to jump to the conclusion of "therefore it must be God".

Christians can argue that Christianity has survived for 2,000 years, so it's proof God is true. I don't think that's necessarily a good thing when you think about... The Holy Crusade Wars, the Spanish Inquisition, the concept of slavery supported by the Bible, the conquistadors in America and South America, the North American Indian Wars, and in more modern times the German Nazi movement and World War II (the third Reich and Aryan superiority).
I think it is the secular enlightenment and the age of reason and science that has dragged the people of the earth away from religion so that religion doesn't impact us as much, people don't care as much, and churches are becoming more and more empty. But the less fervent and angry religion there is in this world, the more social and economic improvements are happening. Not just less religion but more tolerance for other religions.

The Emperor's New Clothes

Now , believing in Santa Claus, or not, might be a fun distraction, but it doesn't affect the overall politics of our country. I guess as adults many of us don't think we really need to know everything there is to know. I don't know details about rocket science, microbiology, or viruses and vaccines, but we trust the people who are experts in those fields. At least I WANT to trust them when they say there's a new virus and here's a vaccine that will help you fight it.

As soon as you are old enough to hear a shocking story about what happens to you if you do not believe in God - that is - being burned eternally in hell !! ... you may turn to question the Authority in church. Even your parents tell you that we ALL believe it so it must be true. It's a MASS brainwashing. It's The Emperor's New Clothes. No one dares not to believe it - or risk being shunned from society. I'm sure some people believe in hell so strongly, they are deathly afraid , and will go to super extreme lengths to ensure they never go there. I'm looking at you, Islam extreme martyrs. Once I turned 20 years old I figured I'm old enough to learn the real truth of history and of the world. Well, that never happened. What about the time you turn 60 years old? Is that old enough to know the truth yet? Can I be led into a super secret room and told the truth of the JFK assassination, and the Roswell UFO crash?

Ever since we were very young we liked to be helped and we like to help others, And we like the feeling of being in a group and being needed and wanted. It feeds our ego. It's enjoyable to share your life with other people. We also can call that the Golden Rule ... I want to be treated well so I should treat others well. So if I was in trouble and my car broke down I would hope somebody could help me like I would help someone else. This is a very simple concept That we all innately understand.

Separation of Church and State , please.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the 14th Amendment (ratified in 1868) requires states to guarantee fundamental rights such as the First Amendment's prohibition against the establishment of religion. This means that states, like the federal government, can "make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

Page 6

Why I'm an Atheist - VI

List of : Why people leave religion.

1. Intellectual reasons, like researching science , or people who felt they simply outgrew church. They never find evidence that God listens to prayers and seems like everything happens according to chance. Like you would expect if there was no God.

2. Religious trauma. The church hypocrisy like sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

3. Personal adversity like losing a child. Sometimes it doesn't make sense why someone close to you would die.

4. Social reasons: like church makes them feel unwelcomed. Church members might judge you for tattoos or the way you dress or the music you listen to.

5. Some people get tired of religion being imposed on them. Your parents for example take you to church all of your young life and you have no choice. There's no freedom of thought, and devout people tell you "Do not question God".

6. Some people leave because it becomes evident that every religion, like Muslim, Christian, Pagan, etc , have believers who have seen one miracle, or had visions and dreams, and are convinced that THEIR religion is the only one that is true.

7. Searching for the TRUTH about our universe. When we are children adults tell us many tall tales like Santa Claus , the Easter Bunny , and the Tooth Fairy. Of course we're young , so we really don't know anything. We are little sponges who try to keep on believing even if it doesn't quite make sense - because the adults in the room tell us "yes it's true". Same thing with the Bible. We keep trying to believe it while people who are in authority in the church tell us "yes it's true".
List of : Why people won't leave religion

1. Everybody's doing it. There's the church on every corner and many of these churches have been here for over a hundred years. It's the biggest institution next to government, so it feels like it's full of authority.

2. People don't want to lose family and friends. Nobody wants to be outside of society or be alone.

3. Fear of burning in hell forever. We've been told that even although God loves us There is an eternal torment In Fire awaiting anyone I believe in God

4. Fear that people will all call you evil. Where being an atheist is like having no morals. They'll ask you why don't you rob and kill? What's stopping you?

5. People love all the Goodwill and Love that's around churchgoers. They love the teachings like "Love thy neighbor" and "Do good to a stranger". It's nice to do good deeds like volunteering for church. Because of this everyone assumes that you are a nice person.

6. For some people it's a tradition. Traditions are like Christmas or Easter or baptism. In their family, or work life, everyone's involved in their church. So it's peer pressure to fit in. Some people are not terribly religious, they just grew up with it and it's part of their family Traditions. They say things like : "I know it's important to people in my life. I feel if I question it, or try to leave it, I will ruin relationships that I have. Like when I go to church , I don't go there to really worship, I'm there to be part of the community and socialize ."

I think that's really why the vast majority of people Call themselves religious. For example up to half of practicing Jews, absolutely reject the idea of a supernatural God, but they love the idea of the culture, the ritual, and the tradition.
Social Death.
For both religious and non-religious people, we are communal creatures, intelligent beings, that enjoy community and being social. Social status is important to us. There's a very real fear of what we call social death. To be outcast and cut off from family and friends. I see many comments like:

My wife might leave me. We raised our children religious. What happens if I lose custody of my kids? Will my boss fire me ? Will I lose all my friends?

One young man,19 years old, who was raised very religious eventually went to college. Well, he was introduced to new ideas, and he finally tells them "I no longer believe."
After arguing with his parents for months, they say "If we hear one more word about atheism we are going to pull you out of college". So that is an emotional, familial, and financial blackmail. The parents think they are "Saving his Soul". Of course if he insists on being true to himself, this decision can affect his entire future.

These seriously negative consequences to our social life and status, reinforces our fears and won't allow us to escape religion, even if you secretly don't believe anymore. That is why we need an Atheist community and forum, where people can feel that they can talk honestly about their thoughts. Some people comment that they didn't know where to turn to, and "I thought I was going crazy", and " I've got no one to talk to about this."
Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

Page 7

Why I'm an Atheist - VII

Mixed comments on Reddit (by others).

Q : What are your main reasons for believing in religion?

I am not religious. I am also not exactly an atheist; I am apathetic. I discovered long ago that the existence of one or more gods doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. Morality is still morality, no matter where any deity falls on the spectrum. And here, are five general reasons, I have discovered, for a person's religiosity:

Many people are raised by religious families, and so continuance of that religiosity makes maintaining family relationships easier (Habib Fanny gives an excellent story about this, how hard it is to tell your religious family that you are an atheist, and the rift that creates). But more than family; many people who are raised as part of a church attend Sunday schools, bible camp in the summer, youth groups, church picnics, and so on. Often, they have friends that they meet through the church, and with 20th churches a driving force for that friendship. They become reliant on the church for their sense of community and belonging. That feeling is an absolute necessity for humans, and is difficult and terrifying to give up. I remember an interview with a few ex-Mormons; they claimed there are many secret atheists in the Mormon church, and reason they cannot leave the church is because the entire Mormon community will immediately cut ties with you. All of your friends, neighbors, family members, people you have known and cared about your whole life, gone in an instant.

Not fear of god. Fear of something else, usually themselves. I've seen this one in a few addicts, ex-cons, and old people. My uncle, an addict, leaned heavily into religion while in rehab. He lost everything to his addiction, and is terrified of relapse, but clinging to God and religion allows him to feel like he has a powerful friend to help him in his struggles. A friend who went to prison for a violent crime treats his new -found religion the same way. He now has an entity to help him keep from sliding back into his destructive pattern. There is an old woman I know who got involved with the church a couple of years ago. She is old, and not in great health, and she lives alone. Her husband passed away. In addition to the sense of community, her religiosity allows her to feel that her husband of 50 years is still there, waiting for her. More importantly, having a god who is always present and who cares for her, personally, let's her cope with her fear of dying alone. She isn't going to die alone, her friend God is going to call her to live with him.
We see churches everywhere and what's really impressive is that half of them are over 100 years old. And as a reminder of our mortality, sometimes there's a large cemetery nearby. Religion can comfort people when they think what happens to us when we die. It's a good story that you will go somewhere better than life was like on this Earth. No pain or hunger, and no more struggle. But we don't know if that is really true. It's the really BIG question. If there's a choice of a good place and a bad place, well let's go somewhere nice.

There is a disgustingly large group of individuals who use their religion to pretend that they are better than everyone else. These are the people with religious ambitions: they want to be bishops, elders, deacons, whatever, so they feel like they have authority. A local doctor is one of these. Her loves to tell the story of how he used to be a godless heathen until he found Jesus and now he is the greatest person ever to walk the earth. He's really just an asshole, belittles his wife, doesn't take care of his kids, puts down others, etc., But not when he tells the story. These prideful people often quote scripture, especially when that scripture approves of something they did or disapproves of others. They believe that anyone who does not capitulate to them should be condemned to hell. These people are the worst among the religious. My brother in law is one of these. A real piece of s**t of a human being.

Personal gain.
This is where we really start talking about ministers and politicians. There is a great scene in an episode of the Simpsons; Bart says that the religious concept of the soul is ridiculous, and Milhouse says, “Why would they lie, Bart? What would they have to gain?” And it cuts to Reverend Lovejoy pouring the collection plate into a money-sorting machine. Think of leaders.of those megachurches, with multi-million dollar homes, private jets, and so on. That kind of opulence is directly incompatible with the religion they claim to espouse (Gospel of Mark, chapter 10). But man do they have a lot to gain by pretending to be religious. On a lower level, there is a complete asshole I know who owns a restaurant. He is very involved with the church; in return, church members go to his restaurant, and every month or so he gets a $1000+ order for some church event. There used to be a Catholic priest here who drove a new BMW every year, flew off on lavish vacations, wore Burberry coats and Prada shoes. It is also popular among counselors here to extoll their religiosity and offer “faith-based" counseling. These are all examples of people using their religion primarily for personal gain.
Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire