M. Shire's

Coffee & tea

Cat Rescue
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Catopia - Coffee & tea house

The Ultimate Cat Jungle.

Catopia is a cat house with tons of elevated cat walks, video wall of fish and birds to watch, cat rescue and adoptions.

When I was growing up our family had three dogs and we lived on an acreage ... great for dogs to run around. When we later moved to the city, my mom always had at least two cats. I knew she really loved her cats when I watched her pet them and groom them and talk to them. As an adult I do the same with my cat. Now living in California, Lisa and I adopted our current cat from a rescue. Her name is Inky and she's a jet black Halloween cat. We love her and talk to her , hold her close and feel her furfur. She is our emotional support animal.

At a small pet shop where we get our cat food, the lady there has almost 20 cats up for adoption. They're all in a cage, and I feel so sorry for them... I wish we had more space to get a second cat.

Utopia for Cats.

I think it would be wonderful to have a place where people could go to pet cats. No dogs allowed. If I could buy a very large house, I'd fix it up to be a total cat Haven. I'd fill all the walls with shelves that are catwalks for the cats to go anywhere they like. Little tunnels between rooms, and large elaborate cat trees. I'd have a closed access doorways where the cats could go outside to a caged area where they're safe and they can't escape. All the cat litter boxes will be outside too so the house won't stink.

Three large rooms in the house would be the main places where people come and sit and pet and play with the kitties. We have to have a special entryway of double doors so the cats couldn't escape. The windows would open up but there would be screens.

Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

Coffee & tea

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Catopia - Cat Rescue and Adoptions

Of course the main thing we do is take in rescue cats, and try to get them adopted, to find their forever home. Another great thing we can do to help cat owners is to board cats when their humans go on vacation. We take care of your cat for like $40 a day.
In order to keep this place open , the caretaker / cat mama would brew fresh coffee, and tea, and do little bit of baking pastries. Our patrons could drink their coffee or tea, maybe eat a pastry, and enjoy all the fur babies.
Another big cost we'd have to cover is to get all the cats spayed or neutered and up to date with shots. We want all the cats to live in harmony, and we don't need any of them going into heat. They'd all have collars with their names on them, so all the visitors can get to know them. They'll be happy and docile. I think a lot of people would like to come and see a business named Catopia. We could sell a lot of items in a touristy gift shop, of course all cat related.

Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire