M. Shire's

Theme Park
Idea VI

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'Theme Park' - Dinosaurs come Alive

Dinosaurs come Alive ride

Very costly, soomeone could create a 'Jurassic Park' for real with very large animatronic creatures. Expensive because you would have to make 50 characters, and all the environment and theme. Inspiration is in Disneyland ... Primeval world. Calgary Zoo also has a exhibit of dinos. See pictures.

Probably would be best as a tram pulled ride. This is another great IP, if you could make a deal with Universal Pictures to use the movie art and concepts. Otherwise, you would make your own IP ... DinoLand.

There is a real life Jeep ride in Movieland in Italy, called Expedition Pangea - The World of Dinosaurs.


I think the only thing missing in these rides specifically a moving train or tram or Jeep ride is that there needs to be a bit of a story happening. In all the Disney rides there seems to always be a story happening. Its not exciting or engaging if you're just driving through a prehistoric land and seeing mostly static dinosaurs. It doesn't have to be a crazy exciting ride, like Indiana Jones, but it could just be like watching a Waldo character as he goes through the scenes. He gets into trouble and has narrow escapes. A great example is Dinosaur at Disney's Animal Kingdom. .... DINOSAUR RIDE - DISNEY

Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire

M. Shire's

Theme Park
Ideas VI

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Pangea website

AI Overview
The Pangea ride at Movieland - The Hollywood Park in Lazise, Italy is an all-terrain expedition through a dinosaur world that some say is innovative. The ride involves driving a vehicle back in time to the supercontinent of Pangea.

"An adventurous journey on board specially made jeeps will transport you into a forest populated by realistic animated reproductions of the most famous dinosaurs, which will come to life before your eyes. The jeeps have the unique characteristic of being able to be driven independently thanks to a radar positioning system that guarantees fun and maximum safety. To be able to drive you do not need a license but a height above 150 cm."
Here are some reviews of the ride:

Queues : Sometimes the ride has slow loading times and queues can be around an hour long. The park promises to refund ticket prices for those who wait more than 30 minutes.

Some say the ride is intense, loud, and not for the faint of heart. Sometimes it's physically tough, requiring riders to grip onto metal bars to keep from sliding off while tilting at an angle.

Generally the ride is innovative and many were blown away by it. It might be overpriced and not worth the money for some. Quote : "Don't miss the new "Pangea" ride, it looks like a kids ride on the map, but it's not and we really like it."

Copyright - ©2024, Michael Shire